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Leap of Faith

Trusting God is a lifelong journey.

Don’t travel alone.

Anchor 1

let's take this journey together!

Journey with me as we learn to hear, see and understand the Prophetic Word of God.  I say journey because it has been a journey for me in many different ways and I know it will be for you as well, but you won't be alone as we walk this out together.

"The Harbor is a place of Safety, Care and Grace" 

As you begin this process of emptying your Spirit of Pain, Sorrow and Regret you will begin to see, feel and know the power of the Holy Spirits touch and His redemption to restore all that has been lost or stolen. Then finally experiencing the refreshment of being filled up with the Life-Giving Product of God. 

The Harbor brings safety.....because this will be a safe place to reside, no longer Hungering and Thirsting for the temptations of This World you will learn to break the negative thoughts, cycles and patterns of the PAST to be awaken to your Glorious New future! 

If this sounds like something you need to know and understand for your own life, then follow along with me and take this journey into,

"The Harbor of Hope!"

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Hi, I'm Luann

Beach Walkway

This is the Word of the Lord

This is the word of the Lord..........

I've come to give My people the guidance and authority that is required for their lives and to give them knowledge of each and every turn and curve to this road. It is only when they are in discomfort that they sometimes listen to my voice.

I would like them to be in my word and asking me for each new direction that is needed but, they are not always aware that they are entering a place or a situation that they're limited awareness cannot give them what they need. That is when they seek me with diligence and call to me. I want them to have the courage and stamina to be my warriors not a crushed and consumed people open to every element that wants to draw them in. When they come to me with Thanksgiving in their hearts I stop and ponder their needs and give every reference to their situation and needs. I'm a good God who wants and requires all his people to recognize the fundamental steps to making me their authority and guide. I see them wrestling and waning in pain but still not come and lay down all that troubles their souls.

Every journey is important to the future of their lives because I will watch their progress and see them strengthened or sit back and allow them time to find their own answers and direction. This is the only way that I can be sure of their hearts and their faith. See, I am a God of restoration, and their journeys help me write the story to their reunions with their eternal purpose and plan. That is why my timing is essential but if they travel alone, it may take them a lifetime to reach their appointments and find the correct passage forward. All my people have purpose... All my people have destiny... The long road sometimes separates them from my hand, and they may wander for years being kept away from any familiar thoughts of how I once spoke gently to them, go this way... this is the way to my thoughts and care.

Their spirit is ever vigilant to awaken them as long as they have not taken the road of destruction that detours them and cuts them off to the promises of God. There are many roads, some lead to death... some lead to life! Choose wisely for the way of destruction comes to an end very quickly, don't be fooled!

Time is a cruel and callous gatekeeper and without my hand to drive and direct it, its measurement cannot be changed in your favor. When your time is at an end all will be judged!

My commentary and teaching:

One of the teens from our youth group on Sunday night used a beautiful analogy for following God's path by sharing his experience on his land following a game trail through the tall grass. He said, "the path was so narrow that the animals could only walk it if they were directly behind each other with their feet firmly planted on the trail." Thanks Isaiah... for that perfect intro to this word.

If these animals weren't careful, they could fall off into the high grass and possibly lose their way from the group in front of them or be taken out by hunters or other threats lying in wait along the sides of the path.

In Psalm 25:1-5 it says "Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you."

#1. If you call out to Him, and you listen to His voice He will lead you to the right and safe path. All He wants to do is restore you to your purpose and plan under Heaven.

#2. Our spirit is ever vigilant to awaken us.... Our spirit is our communicator with God kind of like a radio our spirit picks up the voice of the Father and propels the sound into our being. And if we are tuned in to the correct channel, and nothing is blocking it's sound, we are able to clearly hear the message of the Holy Spirit.

#3. He is testing our faith.... He wants to know our heart and mind and what will give us the trust to go forward into our lives taking the right direction. Maybe we need to walk a road of trial to build our courage and dependance on Him, or maybe we need to be in a season of aloneness to contemplate and learn the Word of God. He knows Everything that we need before we need it!

I thank God that some of my recent roads and journeys have given me wilderness times to seek His presence and to learn spiritual warfare in preparation for the following season that brought me tremendous personal loss and pain. God Knows....the beginning from the end, so learn to trust His wisdom and not your own.

Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV version "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

Please share this word with someone today who is lost and may need to find the correct path!

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In a world of Noise

This is the word of the Lord......

Today I have great authority and understanding for my people so that they can prosper and find rest. I want you to be immersed in my word and to not be sidelined with the craziness of this culture. The culture is in a place of growth and development, but you need to know my voice so that you will not be tricked or challenged by fear! I can be your all or I can be the constant voice of your discourse. If You are aligned with the wrong elements, I will be a stranger to your heart, mind and soul. Today is your opportunity to be free but tomorrow may be the end to the choices of my hand. It's always your choice because of the freedom that I have established for you to have. Every day is a choice so choose wisely!

The boundaries will soon be different, and all the connections that you thought were available to you might be gone. Why would this be? Because I have taken a course that will be much more defined, much more unique so that my people will be either with me or without me! I need to see your choice! The voice of the father would rather quietly reference his guidance to his people but in a world of noise I must help you to hear. Every step every move that you take is important so choose today whom you will serve.

I will be watching.

The Lord asked me to send this word out as soon as possible with this scripture verse Isaiah 2:12 The Lord Almighty has a day in store for all the proud and lofty, for all that is exalted (And they will be humbled).

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This is the word of the Lord.....

It is truly important for my people to recognize that anytime they are without guidance and without authority they leave themselves available and open to the command and call of any and all orphan spirits. I call them orphan because they are without a permanent home and wander the world looking for a place to reside. Significant enough to be a threat to anyone who leaves Doors and Windows Open.

Any believer can be affected because they are vulnerable if they have not closed and sealed off the entrances to their lives.

I have taught on these spirits and show my people the ways of the wise, but in today's world there are more and more of these orphans residing in my people.

Casting the cares of the world is an important practice if you want to establish a barrier from these spirits.

Many times, my people have not only allowed these spirits to take up residence but have actually ushered them in!

There are several tactical ways to keep your home and your life free of these unwelcome guests.

Learn the protocol and teach it to others. I want and need my people to be open to my word and available to my spirit so that I can flow through them and teach and guide my children.

Your father is faithful to deliver and to redeem his people from bondages. Hidden controllers are the service workers to darkness, establishing footholds of condemnation and causing significant distrust in the church.

If my people recognize the signs and signals of these enemies of my word, they will be viable witnesses to freedom in the lives of my people. No longer lingering in the depravity and shame of a past sin or scar and free to be my light workers.

Clean the house and establish clear boundaries that are not hindered by waste and regret from the past!

You can't enter the future until you are free of what tethers you to the past.

All my children can be in a position of authority when they are clear and cleaned of the orphan spirits.

Personal Commentary: I wanted to personally comment on this word because this Spirit has been such a stronghold in my life that has kept me held back for far too long.

I have recently been working with a significantly large group of men and women who have been fighting the bondage of addiction. It was difficult to see them battle to be free for months and months then suddenly without reason they would quickly fall back into the old comforts of using. Frequently ingratiating the old friends and companions that gave them the substances in the first place and kept them Securely tethered to the past!

Isn't it strange when you can't see the very thing that is right in front of your face! So many times, the Lord would want to show me the truth of my insecurities or my feeling of resentment or my feeling of rejection.

But instead of being able to see the truth I was so wrapped up in the pain of what I was feeling I could not get past my own flesh. Isn't it odd how we can see the pain in someone else's life and quickly give them advice to be driven away from it especially when it's very plain to see (such as addiction). But do we ask ourselves what are we addicted to!? I'll tell you what we're addicted to... we are addicted to this world and the feelings and things that those feelings say and do to convince us that there's nothing wrong with us so that we can stay in that Bondage year after year. We reject God, over what We feel..... And instead of taking authority over the thing we feel, rejection, anger, abandonment, loneliness, low self-esteem, jealousy..... we allow it to take control and feed us it's complaints.

You are what you think Proverbs 23:7 "As you think so you are". Mind and Heart are connected, the Bible makes it clear that our thinking and our hearts are inseparably linked what we think affects our heart, how we think affects our heart also the condition of our heart affects our thinking. God described the condition of people's hearts in Genesis 6:5 " The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually"

So, to take responsibility for your thoughts for we must renew our minds and clean up our thinking before our Hearts store and accept the product of condemnation.

In closing, We must live by the law of God That teaches us and gives us our very purpose to stay clean and free. And that is how we can have tactical ways to keep our home and our life free of unwelcome guests (Spirits). When they knock at the door of our heart and our mind don't answer it.... And if you've already allowed them into your home take authority and tell them to leave In Jesus Name.

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